We Are Your Doctors

We Are Your Doctors recording

The show opener. Dan receives a bitter diagnosis.

A Little Leukemia

A Little Leukemia recording

Pharmacists show an utter disconnect from reality as they make light of the horrible side effects of tramsplant drugs.

Food Chain

Food Chain recording

After an argument with one of his doctors, Dan concludes that the doctors at his clinic have much education, but no common sense.

What's My Transplant?

What's My Transplant recording

Daydream sequence in which Dan imagines himself the subject of a TV game show.

Hear Me, Devil, and Die

Hear Me, Devil, and Die recording

Dan makes the biggest decision of his life, casting away the "devil" of fear inside him.

A New Lease On Life

A New Lease On Life recording

The show's finale. Dan's surgery is officially declare a success, and he celebrates his renewed future and victory over the nay-sayers.

Recording session for The Ills We Have

Recording session for "The Ills We Have".

Recording session for

Recording session for "The Ills We Have".